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What does Whistleblowing mean in Ethics?

When a person blows the whistle, or becomes a whistleblower, they call attention to some type of wrongdoing in a workplace. There are four ways to whistleblow according to the Government Accountability Project. These are:

  1. Reporting the violation of law or suspected wrongdoing to law enforcement authorities;
  2. Refusing to participate in known workplace wrongdoing;
  3. Testifying in some type of legal proceeding involving the wrongdoing; and
  4. Leaking evidence of the wrongdoing to some media outlet.

Whistleblowing, in ethics, means that a person has an understanding that the illegal activity taking place is harming an entity. The wrongdoing may interfere with someone’s rights. A whistleblower also has the courage to stand up for what is right. In many cases, a person may not report illegal activity for fear of being retaliated upon by an employer.

It’s important to understand that a whistleblower is protected by law. While a person who decides to speak with authorities may experience issues with their employer, those issues can be resolved with the help of an attorney. It can sometimes take work to ensure that a person who goes to the authorities is treated fairly, but an attorney can provide assistance.

If you are considering reporting illegal activity within a workplace in Atlanta to either law enforcement or the media, it may be beneficial to speak to an experienced attorney beforehand. Reach out to an Atlanta whistle blowing lawyer experienced in whistleblowing laws for help in deciding the best course of action.